Strength training 3 times per week, in-person, or virtually (Online) for 60-70 minutes per session, using the “BIG FOUR” BARBELL lifts, Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses, and Bench Presses; basic full range of motion movements, and regular, progressive, incremental increases in load that drive an actual increase in strength. This is not a machine-based health spa/corporate gym “Exercise” plan with leg extensions, treadmills, and balancing on an unstable surface with three-pound dumbbells in each hand. During each training session we do warm-up sets and then we do three worksets with the actual working weight of five repetitions. Workout A we use Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift, 48 hours later for workout B we Squat, Overhead Press and Deadlift. We take the weekends off. The training schedule could be Monday -Wednesday- Friday or Tuesday -Thursday- Saturday, with a 72 hour break at the end of each three day training cycle.


Because you are actually TRAINING, vs. exercising, you will be getting stronger. Strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance, and since you are adding weight do the barbell at every workout, you will be getting stronger because you are intentionally forcing this adaptation. This is the whole point of the process, and it’s the difference between EFFECTIVE TRAINING and merely exercising – you must understand the importance of progressively increasing the load you lift every workout.

The Starting Strength method produces regular progress over a reasonable time frame, with steady strength increases accumulating for months, and as the lifter progresses to intermediate and advanced stages, the strength increases can continue for YEARS. It’s not unusual for a male trainee under the age of 35 to put on 10 pounds of muscle and double their strength in 12 weeks. Nor is it unusual for a female to add 5 pounds of muscle mass in 12 weeks while increasing her strength by 50 to 75%. Older trainees get similar results, but they take longer to produce these results. There is currently no other strength or exercise program in existence that produces these kinds of results so quickly, efficiently, safely, or dramatically.

There is currently no other strength or exercise program in existence that produces these kinds of results so quickly, efficiently, safely, or dramatically.


per month
Individualized Custom Workouts and Programming for the month. 3-4 Video Coaching Feedback Sessions per week. Upload a 30-45 second video of one of your worksets for each programmed movement for Coaching feedback by video in 24 hours.
per month
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Three In-Person Coaching Sessions per week at our Facility, lasting approximately 60-75 minutes. Includes Programming.
per month
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Remote training plan for couples (Two individuals) to have videos reviewed and programming done virtually. Includes up to 4 workouts per week. Train from the comfort of your home gym or from another training facility. Upload videos for review.
per month
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This includes two individuals training at the same time in a semi private setting at our facility. Includes Three 60-90 minute Training/Coaching sessions per week.


As a Southern Illinois University Alum with over 40 years of strength and conditioning experience, Guido Bernstein saw a need for a strength training program and came across the Starting Strength method. He started to implement these practices into his own life, seeing incredible results and growth in strength, and now utilizes these practices with his clients. In July 2020, Bernstein attended the Self-Sufficient lifter Camp at Starting Strength Headquarters in Wichita Falls, Texas that was conducted by the founder of Starting Strength, Mark Rippetoe. In November 2021, he committed to being coached by a professional online strength coach with Barbell Logic Online Coaching. In December 2021 he enrolled in the Professional Barbell Coach Concepts course offered by Barbell Logic Online Coaching. He attended the Starting Strength Seminar in October 2022, where he spent three days/25 hours in Lectures and training with the founder of Starting Strength, and his top level staff coaches, for the purpose of exploring the Model, Methodology, and the Practical Coaching Application of the Starting Strength method. In August of 2022 Bernstein enrolled in the Starting Strength Coaching Preparation Course with the ultimate goal of attaining the Starting Strength Coach Credential. He is currently pursuing this credential by working through the coaching prep course and coaching clients in-person and online.


I want to train, but none of the available sessions match my schedule. Are there any other options?


Our small group training sessions are on a fixed schedule, but please let us know if you prefer another time-slot. If we get enough inquiries, we may add more availability.

What equipment do I need?


For day one, you’ll simply need shorts or pants that don’t impinge your range of motion - so that you can perform a full depth squat. If you wear shorts, wear long socks to cover your shins for the deadlift. You’ll also need a 100% cotton t-shirt and hard-soled shoes.

Do I need to train three times a week?


Yes, Strength 4 Life members are committed trainees that train on a set schedule, only missing sessions due to travel, injury, illness, or another unavoidable reason. The process of training differs from exercise because it is planned in advance to achieve a pre-defined outcome. That plan is referred to as programming, and programming needs to be completed on a consistent schedule for it to be effective. Trainees commit to either a M/W/F schedule or a T/Th/Sa - at the same time each day to ensure that there’s adequate time for recovery.

Do I need to commit to a set time-slot?


Yes. For in-person coaching you must commit to a time slot. This ensures you have a guaranteed space in the gym at a time that's convenient for you. If your schedule does not permit training on a consistent schedule, 3x/week, you may want to consider training once per week privately.

What’s the format of the gym?


The Starting Strength Gym model revolves around small group training sessions to ensure that each trainee gets dedicated coaching and programming. The group format brings the cost of in-person coaching down to make it more affordable to train with a coach In-Person 3 times per week.

Virtual or Online Coaching is much more flexible, and more affordable, so that may be a better option for those trainees who prefer to train at a gym close to them or in their Garage. It is still mandatory, if you are within fairly close driving distance, that you go through two or three in person coaching sessions to establish the correct movement patterns, before going back to exclusive online or virtual coaching at a local gym or in your garage.

Sign up for a time slot that works best for you. Get a guaranteed space in the gym at your designated training time. Show up, warm up, squat, press, press or bench, and deadlift. Finish by checking in with your coach to plan your next training session.

How much is membership?
See our Pricing Page for more info:

How does the program work?


See our How it Works page to learn more.

What's the difference between strength training and regular exercise?


Exercising is merely performing physical activity for its own sake, in an unplanned way, with no thought about an ultimate goal. At best, it may improve your overall health; at worst it can be unproductive, or even dangerous. Training differs from exercising in that it is the most direct route towards achieving a goal. Training is the carefully planned and executed process of intentionally becoming physically better than you are now. . Since we are all limited in the amount of time we can dedicate to fitness, training is a far better use of time than exercising.

What can I expect on my first day?


Your coach will help you sign in to our Digital Logbook App to track the day's training session and will advise you what you'll be lifting next time. Before leaving, your coach will confirm the date and time of your first group training session.

In your second training session, you'll add a little bit of weight to each lift, and you will be on your way to becoming stronger than you've ever been.

What to wear:

  • A 100% cotton t-shirt
  • Stretchy shorts or pants that you can squat in
  • Weightlifting shoes. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a pair, wear your flattest, least squishy-soled shoes. Converse are better than basketball shoes, but we will make do with what you have.

What to bring:

  • A water bottle
  • A hand towel

We'll have a discussion about the Starting Strength method, about the goals, and about the Starting Strength Movement Model.

We will learn the first three movements:
Squat, Overhead Press, and the Deadlift. This is workout A.

At the next workout, we will repeat the first workout, using the Squat, the Bench Press (Instead of the Overhead Press,) and the Deadlift. This is Workout B.

We will alternate these two workouts for months, gradually increasing the load with every workout. This is known as the Novice Linear Progression, or NLP. By the end of the session, you will have established a baseline of strength for each of the three lifts. From there, you’ll sign into the digital logbook app and work with your coach to plan your programming for the next training session.
All programming is done through an application (APP) that you can access on your phone, your tablet, your laptop or desktop computer, it will keep track of all of your lifts as well as show the trends over the months and years of training.

All training is done in a private, or a semi-private setting, with groups not exceeding 3-5 people, and usually a 1-1 or 1-2 Coach/Trainee ratio. After your training session on day one, you’ll arrive at the gym, change into your lifting shoes, grab a rack, we’ll assign you a lifting partner, and then you can start your warm ups. Let your coach know when you’re ready for your last warm-up and each of your work-sets. This works the same way if you choose to go with our Virtual Only/ONLINE Coaching package. You will upload videos of your worksets that have been programmed by your coach, and your Coach will break it down and send the breakdown/feedback video back to you within 24 hours of your submittal through our coaching platform.

All coaching plans include:

  • Reserved Training Times (In-Person Coaching)
  • Guaranteed space in the gym at your training time - no waiting for equipment
  • Dedicated Coaching (In-Person Coaching)
  • Real-time feedback on your lifts to ensure safe and effective technique
  • Individual Programming
  • Each trainee gets individualized programming to maximize progress
  • Nutrition Advice
  • General nutrition recommendations to help you achieve your goals
  • Digital Logbook
  • Custom app for gym members only - track your progress over time
  • Fair Policies
  • We don't do what other gyms do - no sales desk, no contracts, no hidden fees

What weights do I start with?


As your coach, I will work with you during your introductory session starting with no weights, a broomstick, or a PVC pipe, or very light weights, and dial in exactly what weight you need to be using for each movement pattern, so that you can perform the movements with perfect technique. That's where we'll start. If you are older, frail, or simply detrained from being sedentary, or have suffered an accident or illness, and you are now recovering from that illness or accident, you'll start with very light weights, or none at all. If you are an experienced trainee, younger, larger, and athletic, you'll start with heavier weights and progress faster.

I’m new to barbell training, old, injured, unathletic, and/or otherwise worried about strength training. Can I do Starting Strength?


Fair question, so let's sit down and have a conversation about your concerns, your goals, your fears, and see if you are a good fit for the Starting Strength method. The simple fact is that nearly everyone can do Starting Strength, and the program can usually be modified to work for people who have pre-existing injuries or limitations.

What if I have very little strength? Am I too weak to start?


Starting Strength is for everyone. I assume that's the reason for your interest in this method of training, is that you would like to enjoy a much better quality of life through greatly enhanced strength. Even if you're detrained, sedentary, and/or unathletic, you have a baseline of strength that can be established and built upon.

What if I've never trained before?


It's no problem at all; I'll meet you wherever you are in your strength journey, whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced lifter.

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